20th SINS National Congress

Dear Members,
On behalf of the Organising Committee, under the aegis of the Governing Board of the Society, we are pleased to inform you that the next National Congress of the Italian Society for Neuroscience (SINS) will be held in Torino from September 14th to 17th, 2023.
We are working for an in-presence celebration of Neuroscience, characterized by an exciting multidisciplinary scientific program complemented by lively poster sessions, with numerous opportunities to connect face to face with prestigious italian and foreign researchers in Neuroscience.
The symposia, proposed by researchers and selected by the Scientific Committee and the Plenary Lectures, held by Italian and international researchers, will be strongly oriented to multidisciplinary contents and will favor the direct involvement of young scientists.
The multidisciplinary topics of the meeting will be focused on processes regarding nervous system function and pathogenesis of neurological and psychiatric disorders, with particular attention to the hottest topics in basic science and to cutting-edge diagnostic, therapeutic and investigative technologies.
The program will also include special interest satellite events, many opportunities for social activities and ample space to share scientific and promotional materials.
We are excited to bring the community together in 2023, to debate over research and develop collaborative networks.
Looking forward to meeting you in Turin, we send you our best regards.
Ferdinando Di Cunto
Congress President
Alessandro Vercelli
SINS President