Federazione Spera



We are pleased to announce the upcoming ABCD Congress, to be held in Bologna (Italy) from 19 to 21 September 2019.

This event will bring together scientists from across the world and will offer an invaluable opportunity to discuss scientific issues in the fields of cell biology and differentiation. We aim to create an event in which cell biologists have the opportunity of listening to latest discoveries in the field and, sharing results, ideas and initiating new collaborations. Join us and meet scientists whose outstanding studies are defining the state of the art in the field of cell biology!

The congress will be open to all researchers from Italy and abroad and will include a full range of academic sessions, plenary lectures, and social/cultural events. We plan to have talks by 20-25 invited speakers. Other researchers will get an opportunity to showcase their work through oral flash and poster presentations. The meeting specially encourages participation from young researchers.

In this edition we have the pleasure to hosting outstanding international scientists, some of them Nobel Prize winners. Their participation will make the meeting a special event in which researchers will have the opportunity to friendly and informally talk with such prestigious scientists thus encouraging and fostering the participation of young scientists at the scientific discussion during the event.

In the wake of the success of the last editions, the congress will be preceded by a pre-congress meeting, on 18-19 September, reserved for post-docs and Ph.D. students who are under 35 years at the date of the congress. Keynote lectures will be held by distinguished scientists and informal interactions between the invited speakers and the young participants will take place during the sessions and at dinner. In this contest, a round table moderated by an expert in journalism and science communication and with the participation of scientists and journal editors is planned. All post-docs and Ph.D. students accepted to attend the pre-congress meeting will receive a travel fellowship to help defray their lodging and travel costs.

A preliminary programme regarding planned sessions and invited speakers is shown here. More information will be available soon through this website.

We look forward to welcoming you to Bologna, a fascinating city with a 40-km network of medieval portico and streets that make this place unique!